Peddars Way Walk

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Quilts named Brinton Hall

By Rosemary Jewers 2016

A short while ago I discovered that a magazine, 'Quiltmania' had published a quilt design called 'Brinton Hall'. I emailed one of the quilt makers who had been inspired by the publication to make her own. I asked why the quilt design had been called 'Brinton Hall'. She told me that it was based on Anna Margaretta Brereton's, world famous bed hangings. These bed hangings had been made at Anna Margaretta's home at Brinton Hall, Norfolk over 200 years ago. I understand that many needlework enthusiasts are making their own versions of their 'Brinton Hall' quilts.
Photo taken by Rosemary Jewers of Anna Margaretta Brereton's bed hangings

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